What is favourites.io?

Favourites.io is a service that enables you to search and categorise your likes. During the Free Trial, favourites.io will import up to 1000 of your likes. Likes are imported every couple of hours, so if you can't find what you are looking for, please check back later. The service is built using the Twitter API and we are bound by the limits of the API.

With the paid version there are no limits to the number of likes that can be imported.

What is included in the free trial?

A maximum of 1000 likes will be imported during the free trial, and you will be able to search through these likes. The Free Trial lasts for 14 days. After this period, your likes and collections will be deleted from favourites.io.

What do I get when I upgrade?

When you upgrade your acount, you will be able to import all your your likes. You will also get access to priority support via email.

How much does it cost to upgrade to Power User?

The service is €29/year, and is renewed annually. Payments are processed securely via Stripe, and we never store your debit/credit card details on our servers.

Believe it or not, it costs money to keep a service like favourites.io up and running. These include hosting and development costs. Your hard earned cash contributes towards the running costs of the service, and we are ever thankful for your support

Is favourites.io secure?

We use Twitter OAuth to authenticate users, therefore, no username or password is stored on the web server. Access is done via access tokens. When you click the "Sign in with Twitter" link, you will be redirected to Twitter's own authentication page. You will also see what permissions the application requires.

Favourites.io requires only read-only permissions (unlike other similar services). The application will never: Follow new people, update your profile, post tweets for you, access your direct messages, or see your Twitter password.

Is there any limit to the number of Collections I can create?


How often are my likes imported from Twitter?

Likes are imported every couple of hours.

Did Biz Stone (Twitter, co-founder) really say that favourites.io is a "wonderful" service

He did indeed, in an email to me, back in 2017.